Allen M. Worob

Business planning and Consulting. CEO Woroco International.
Applicants to enter my customer base are warmly welcomed on three conditions. They are that they sign, date, and have notarized or signature guaranteed my customer agreement; that they do not ask Woroco to engage in any unlawful practice in any manner; and that they treat all at Woroco with the dignity that should be automatic when one person interacts with another. Woroco International is a global business planning and consulting firm. Individuals or partners wishing to start or improve a business for self would be the most likely to utilize our services. Woroco will evaluate business ideas for feasibility, assist in writing business plans, launching a business, performing post implementation reviews; and help existing businesses who have fallen on hard times to improve profits. Fees depend on the degree of difficulty of the assignment, legitimate and reasonable expenses incurred in providing services, and the amount of time expended in service delivery. Clients interested in value over price will be more likely to select Woroco as their consultant. For more detail, kindly visit my corporate web site, www.woroco.com, my page on the Small Business web site Pro-Net, and my listing at KAP (Kink Aware Professionals).

PO BOX 88038 ROCHESTER, NY 14618-8038

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